Daily Mass - 7:30 a.m., includingSaturday and Sunday
Monastery of the Most Holy Trinity
Discalced Carmelite Nuns
Associated with the Society of St. Pius X
5801 Mt. Carmel Drive
Arlington, Texas 76017
by the Reverend Mother Prioress, Chapter & Community
Monastery of the Most Holy Trinity
Discalced Carmelite Nuns
Associated with the Society of St. Pius X
5801 Mt. Carmel Drive
Arlington, Texas 76017
October 30, 2024
+Praised be Jesus Christ: now and forever!
The statements posted on the Diocese of Fort Worth website on October 28th concerning us require urgent clarification.
What began in April 2023 with a false accusation against our Mother Prioress and that has been pursued relentlessly since then by Bishop Olson for his own ends has been compounded over time so that we have now reached the point where it is asserted that we are dismissed from religious life and that we have somehow “defected notoriously from the Faith.” These assertions are egregiously false.
Given our recent acceptance for association by the Society of St Pius X last August, any “dismissal” declared by Mother Marie of the Association of Christ the King is a moot point. The Vows we have professed to God cannot be dismissed or taken away. By virtue of them we belong to Him and are His.
Given that we pray every day for the Holy Father, Pope Francis and our Ordinary, Michael Olson, any claim that we have departed from the Catholic faith is ridiculous. We firmly believe and profess all that the holy Catholic Church believes, teaches, and proclaims to be revealed by God. Disputes about one man’s wishes and man-made rules do not exclude us from the Church.
Please know that here we continue our vowed life of prayer and sacrifice in the Discalced Carmelite tradition for the Church and the world, and for all of you, our dear friends and benefactors, including those who may disagree or disapprove of the decisions we have had to make in the best interests of our Community.
We are profoundly grateful to all those who continue to show us their support and are happy to welcome you to our Monastery Chapel for private prayer or for the celebration of the beautiful traditional Latin Mass that it is now our joy to participate in each day.
May the Carmelite saints and martyrs intercede for us all!
+Praised be Jesus Christ: now and forever!
SEPTEMBER 14, 2024
For the past several years we have experienced much joy and spiritual renewal in the re-discovery of the riches of the immemorial liturgical tradition of the Church. In our desire to grow in holiness and an ever deeper fidelity to our Discalced Carmelite charism, and as an appropriate means to better serve Our Holy Mother the Church, in August, following the unanimous decision of the Chapter of the Monastery, and with the agreement of the whole community, we completed the final steps necessary for our Monastery to be associated with the Society of Saint Pius X, who will henceforth assure our ongoing sacramental life and governance. We are profoundly grateful to the Very Reverend Father Superior General and to his delegates here in the USA for their paternal understanding and welcome.
The motto of Pope St. Pius X was: To Restore All Things in Christ. Such is the case for our Community as well, which has prayerfully, over a period of many years, sought to return to the fullness of our Catholic Tradition and to restore all things in Christ, in both our liturgical life and in the way we live our Carmelite vocation.
We share an affinity with the Society of St. Pius X in its emphasis on training holy, dedicated priests, willing to sacrifice all for Christ, which coincides with our own vocation of prayer and sacrifice at the heart of the Church, pouring out our lives for the Church and especially for priests.
Given our formal association with the Society, our triennial elections were held here at the monastery in August, presided over by a representative sent by the Superior General. Mother Teresa Agnes was re-elected Prioress for a three-year term and confirmed in Office with supplied jurisdiction from the Society.
We are very happy to be able to share our life of prayer and the riches of the Church's traditional liturgy with others. Our chapel is open for private prayer and the faithful are welcome to join us in assisting at daily Holy Mass celebrated in Latin, according to the traditional Roman rite.
And as always, in union with the whole Church, we pray for our Holy Father, Pope Francis, and Bishop Michael Olson, the Bishop of Fort Worth.
Please know that you also continue to be in our prayers, and we are most grateful for all your support especially during these past 18 months. May God bless and reward you.
The Prioress, Chapter and Community of the Arlington Carmel
Note: Our daily Mass time is 7:30 a.m.
Media—Please note: The nuns will not respond to any media enquiries or grant interview requests. The media are kindly asked and are hereby formally instructed not to enter the Convent grounds or buildings or to attempt to contact the nuns, but to respect the silence of their life and vocation, most particularly at this time.